You have multiple ways to donate an item or service to be sold at the Auction:
1) Complete our online form
2) Send an e-mail to, and make your subject line “DONATION from [your organization]”. Please include the following information in your e-mail:
- Donor Contact Information
- Item name
- Detailed description for Auction Catalog
- Fair Market Value
- Restrictions?
- Materials to be displayed at the Auction?
- How auction item will be delivered to SWS Auction volunteers:
- email to -or-
- mail to SWS -or-
- drop off at SWS -or-
- have SWS Auction volunteer contact me -or-
- have SWS Auction volunteers make a certificate
3) Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship levels and details can be found here. Please send an e-mail to with any questions about sponsorships.
4) Host a Spirit Party.